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Verbal Bling, Homicide, and Afrocentricity
When I was commissioned to write The Rap Guide to Evolution and challenged to communicate the key ideas behind Darwin’s theory in hip-hop form, my first thought was to go through my record collection and see if I could find … Continue reading
Rap Guide to Evolution on Living On Earth
Here’s a recent segment on the Public Radio International show “Living on Earth”, featuring songs and a wide-ranging interview about the project. What do hip hop and Darwin have in common? According to rapper Baba Brinkman, a lot. He’s the … Continue reading
Tennessee Monkey Trials (Cross post)
Cross posted from www.bababrinkman.com Last Wednesay Jamie and I performed the Rap Guide to Evolution for a group of 120 students and teachers at Union County High School in East Tennessee, and I’m proud but also sorry to say there … Continue reading
Response to a Concerned Teacher’s Comment
Recently a (very amusing) comment was posted on the video page for Natural Selection, which deserves a comprehensive response. Catherine Borgard writes: I loved this and I would really like to use a version of it in my high school … Continue reading
Tiktaaliks, kangaroos and hairy apes
Welcome to the Rap Guide to Evolution Blog! We will be taking a closer look at the science behind the lyrics and hopefully intrigue you. This is an interactive discussion, so if you have a comment, idea, spot a mistake … Continue reading
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Recent Comments
- idaly: what program use for the video
- Jasker Violas: This is hella nice! Maybe you should meet up with NicePeter (one of the minds behind Epic Rap Battles of History) and make something super awesome!
- @GeekiestWoman: I screenshot my comment (noticing a couple of typos which I will fix) and then post on all my blogs, in a wired article, on all my social media sites, so I don't care what you do regarding 'moderating' my statement. It is clear you only post publicly comments that agree with your juvenile hubris.
- @GeekiestWoman: There is no scientific 'proof' that any of the Quantum 'theories' are truth either. But people believe that bullsheat now don't they? As for Darwin, please remember that he, like so many men before and after him, tend to find a way to 'make truth' out of 'suppositions'. DYK that his statement about 'survival of the fittest' actually meant survival of the economically 'fit', aka 'stinkin' rich' folks. Now it so happens I'm one of those stinkin' rich folks but I don't think that makes me superior nor a 'fittest'. I also believe in a Creator, yes, that's right, a DIVINE CREATOR. God Exists and FISH DON'T FLY. Does that 'jar' with the Bible? Not really. God created everything and then said 'Y'all have free will, go, learn, and grow". So evolution can work quite well in harmony with a believe in God because one does not negate tother, dui bu dui? But this piece of sheeat you made I'd never share with any of my students, because it IS a piece of sheeat and you probably made it so you could 'excuse' things like any abortions you were involved in or other negative choices you made in your life. Karmic payback exists even for atheists, it's called 'old age'. I will pray you live long, very very long.
- Lechar Snomel: No matter what side people are on in a discussion, it is important to know that one's knowledge/ understanding/point of view of a subject will not be accepted if each person comes out with both barrels. If someone REALLY wants to have their point heard and honestly considered, they should be careful not to offend the people with whom they are trying to communicate. So, no matter what side, creationist or evolutionist, if they can't say something nice, maybe they shouldn't say anything at all. No one wants to be talked down to. No one wants to be bashed. There are narrow- minded people on both sides of this particular issue. And if we are honest about it, we will see that. We should always ask ourselves," am I really trying to understand this persons point of view?" If we are still trying to argue or put down the other person, then the answer is no.